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SMG Rabbitry

Welcome to my site!

First of all we are located in Straughn, IN. Now let me tell you where the name came from. The "S" stands for Steve(me), the "M" stands for Monica(my beautiful wife) and the "G" stands for girls since we have two wonderful little girls. At this point in time we are raising Mini Lops, our Mini Lops are out of the Wildfire bloodline and came to us from Mike and Kim Nesbitt. Thanks guys for all the help.

What is going on this season

Well we have finally been able to attend our first show of the season.  We went to the Illiana Icebreaker show in Terre Haute on January 31 and really did fairly well for the first of the year.  We had one 1st, three 2nds, and two 3rds.  We only took 10 animals so needless to say my daughter was happy.  We were also able to pick up a few rabbits to add to our breeding program.  These should be a great addition to our rabbitry.  Thanks to Brad and Katie Boyce  for a excellent pair of bucks and Mike Frakes for a very nice broken junior doe.  I will get the updated pictures on the site very soon and hope everyone checks back often.  I have gotten out of Satins and sold all of them to Mike and Kim Nesbitt and they are doing well for them.  If you need any Satins please get ahold of them or myself and I will get you in contact with them.  I have now started breeding does for the fairs this summer and will have alot of babies very soon.  Please let me know if you need any rabbits for your county fair.

I know that this site is supposed to be about the rabbits but I also wanted to include the other animals as well. I will get the rabbit pictures updated as soon as possible. Please look around and let me know what you think by signing my guestbook. I will be adding to this site all the time so check back often.

Please remember to sign my guestbook before you leave.

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